This drama certainly isn’t the first to incorporate (or at least reference ad nauseum) a fairytale story (think Secret Garden’s ‘little mermaid’ theme). What’s interesting though is how matter-of-factly the drama takes its Alice character Han Se Kyung. Se Kyung is the young but not naive girl who finds herself in a the ‘wonderland’ that is Cheongdamdong, a fashionable neighborhood populated by the wealthy and influential, all of whom are probably a little on the ridiculous side (though none so much as the arguably insane Seung Jo). Where the parallel stops though is that Se Kyung doesn’t just haphazardly follow a white rabbit into the hole leading to Cheongdamdong, she actively seeks a white rabbit as someone who will lead her into this new world. Social expert Tommy Hong (Kim Ji Suk) becomes her first target – her goal: an initially nondescript rich husband, and a home and position in Cheongdamdong.
Han Se Kyung |
Se Kyung and a white rabbit "Seung jo" |
Ngerti...ngerti??hehehe klo yang bisa bahasa inggris tentunya ngerti dong...Kdrama Cheongdamdong Alice ini terdiri dari 16 Episode..inti ceritanya sih seorang gadis miskin, designer Han Se Kyung, yang bermimpi bisa masuk ke Cheongdamdong....segala usaha dilakuin tapi tetap ga bisa menggapai mimpinya itu...akhirnya salah satu temennya yang sudah menjadi orang sukses memberi rahasia cara agar bisa masuk kesana ya itu dengan mencari seorang pria kaya untuk di nikahi or follow a white rabbit. Akhirna Se Kyung berhasil namun benar2 jatuh cinta..dan cerita yang sebnernya terungkap....gimana2...penasaran akhirnya??yuk dah maree kita nonton aja ^^...ta kasih linknya nih streaming ga pake ndut2an